Apr 18, 2023

Calling all A40 commuters!

Want to transform your commute from body-drain to body-gain? A gym session at A40Fitness could be the answer. (And yes, the clue’s in the name – it’s situated slap bang on the A40, a major commuter route.)

Get in touch with A40Fitness owner and instructor, George, to come and take a look. 

Don’t worry, now isn’t the time to preach about the negatives of a long commute in your car. You know that sitting in a fast-moving box for hours on end can’t be good for you, physically or mentally. But hey, you’ve got to earn a living – and if that means driving from Cheltenham to Oxford, then so be it. (Or Gloucester to Stow-on-the-Wold. Or Cirencester to Bourton-on-the-Water.) You get the idea!

Why not make a gym-stop at A40Fitness?

‘Come on,’ I hear you say, ‘I need to get to work – I’ve got a job to do!’ We totally get it, but here’s the thing – your day could actually be a whole lot better if you fit a brain-boosting gym visit into your commute. Read on to find out why...

Boost your brain power

If you’re a morning person and fancy stopping off at the gym on the way to work, you could soon become employee of the month! OK, we’re not making any promises, but look what exercise can do for your brain: improve concentration, sharpen memory, speed up learning, prolong mental stamina and enhance creativity. Wow! Now if that mental state doesn’t get you a bonus, we don’t know what will!

Check out our timetable now for these early morning classes at A40Fitness. Or just come along and do your own fitness session that suits your timetable. 

So, if mornings aren’t for you, what about the end of the day?

‘No way’, you say. ‘I just wanna get home and see the famalam, put my feet up and have my dinner!’ Well, what if you could greet your loved ones feeling good about yourself? Rather than arrive home with that totally drained – I’ve been driving for hours – I’m knackered – kind of feeling. 

Boost your energy levels

During your workout, those endorphins will be swimming around your body – and that positive feeling will stay with you. So you’re sure to feel invigorated and energetic, rather than sluggish, after your commute. 

From A40CoreFit and BoxFit to Spin and CircuitFit, we’ve got a variety of classes perfectly timed for commuters. Take a look at our full timetable here.

A gym visit could save you time

You might be thinking it’s a long day already, and it’ll be even longer if I go to the gym. Well, yes and no. You could actually spend less time driving if you stop off at the gym. Huh? Well, we don’t know if you’ve noticed but it’s brutal out on Gloucestershire’s busier-than-ever roads. Traffic congestion. Road rage. Roadworks – or worse, road closures. (Yep – that A435 to Charlton Kings really is closed for SEVEN months!) 

Anyway, the point is, most commutes involve sitting in traffic queues because it’s rush hour – so if you take an hour-long break at the gym then you’re going to miss the worst of the traffic jams.

You owe it to yourself to take a break 

One good thing about a commute is that it can help you switch off after a busy day. You get a bit of well-deserved time out between your place of work and your home. Spending some of that time at the gym can help you take your brain-break a step further. Exercising has been proven to lower stress and boost mood, something that can’t be said for driving in rush hour. 

Fitting exercise into your busy day

Another way of looking at it is this – you don’t have to spend ages at the gym. Fitting in a half hour workout, say three times a week, is going to help you achieve your fitness goals. Just think about all those lovely health benefits: working out is good for your muscles and bones, reduces your risk of chronic disease, and can help you stay a healthy weight. 

Be safer on the roads

OK, it’s not rocket science but driving fatigue is incredibly dangerous. It’s a scary truth that 2.4% of all fatal car accidents involve drowsy drivers. If you’ve got a long commute, it’s all too easy to feel sleepy, especially when it’s dark. Exercise can help to invigorate you and improve concentration, so if you include it in your commute, it could help keep you safe on those busy roads. 

What have you got to lose?

Just get in touch to book a visit at A40Fitness and take a look around. It will feel so good to take a break from driving and enjoy some ‘you-time’ in our light, airy gym. 

Simply pull off that busy A40 into Andoversford Industrial Estate and you’ll find us on the left, with loads of car parking spaces just waiting for busy commuters like you. See you soon!

29 Feb, 2024
Hey there, A40 members! As the January hype fades into February, the initial surge of New Year's resolutions may start to dwindle. But fear not! Maintaining your exercise routine is not only achievable but also incredibly rewarding. Let's dive into some tips and tricks to keep that motivation soaring and those gym sessions consistent. 1. Embrace the challenge: Let's be real – sticking to an exercise routine can be tough. Life gets busy, motivation wanes, and the allure of the sofa can be oh-so-tempting in these cold winter months. But remember, every journey has its bumps, and getting through them is what builds resilience and strength, both physically and mentally. Embrace the challenge, knowing that each workout is a step closer to your goals. 2. Mix it up: Variety is the spice of life – and the key to keeping your workouts fresh and exciting. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Whether it's a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class, yoga session, or even a dance workout, experimenting with different activities can reignite your passion for fitness and prevent boredom from creeping in. We’ve never had a more exciting range of classes here at A40 Fitness, so check them out here . 3. Update your programme: If you've been following the same workout routine since the dawn of time (or at least since January 1st), it might be time for a refresh. Have a chat with one of our friendly gym instructors or personal trainers to create a tailored programme that challenges you and aligns with your fitness goals. A well-designed programme not only keeps things interesting but also ensures you're making progress and seeing results. 4. Seek support: Working out with others can be a game-changer when it comes to motivation. Whether it's joining a group fitness class, roping in a workout buddy, or hiring a personal trainer, surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can provide the encouragement you need to stay on track – and even spark new friendships. 5. Little and often: Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining an exercise routine. Instead of aiming for marathon gym sessions once a week, focus on incorporating shorter workouts into your daily routine. Even just 20 minutes of exercise a day can make a world of difference. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection. So there you have it – the secrets to staying committed to your exercise routine beyond the New Year. Embrace the challenge, mix it up, update your programme, seek support, and remember that consistency is key. By incorporating these strategies into your fitness journey, you'll not only stay motivated but also reap the countless benefits of regular exercise. Here's to reaching your gym goals with A40 Fitness and making 2024 your fittest year yet!
22 Dec, 2023
“Good people bring out the good in other people.” A successful gym isn’t just about having the latest equipment, amazing classes, or even supportive staff – it’s about our members. Yes, you! The people who choose to train, week after week, and give it their all. That’s why, here at A40Fitness, we’re celebrating our members. (If you’re not a member yet, why not join today? We can’t wait to welcome you in!) A big thank you It’s you who makes our gym the vibrant, friendly, welcoming place it is – and we can’t thank you enough for all your support over 2023. It’s been an awesome year, and that’s all down to you! But what is it about A40Fitness members that’s so special? “Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend time with them, and it will change your life.” Amy Poehler. A positive attitude We feel pretty lucky, because when it comes to attitude you’re brimming with positivity. You’re ‘can do’ people – but if you’re struggling to get going one day, you can rely on another member to give you a boost. You’re not about ego or judgement, you’re a genuine bunch who bring out the best in each other. Awesome commitment No one said exercising to reach your goals is easy – it takes commitment and dedication. It’s not about how many times you come to the gym, although we’re happy to see you as often as you can. It’s about committing to that workout or class when you’re here. 100% effort Every day at the gym, we can see (and hear) the effort going into your workouts. The determined faces. The sweat. And let’s face it, some of you are noisier than others! But that’s good – it means you’re pushing yourself. You’re working hard and for that, we commend you. Celebrating results We love it when you share your goals with us – and even more, when you reach them! Whatever they may be – growing stronger, getting fitter, toning up, losing weight, feeling happier – we’re proud of you because we know how hard you’re working to get there. Smiles all around Let’s face it – you’re a friendly crowd. You know how it is in some gyms: members are too worried about looking cool to break a smile. Well, you’re different. You’re still cool, of course, but you’ve always got a ready smile! You’re up for a laugh. And there’s plenty of bants. We know everyone’s different. And if you want to come along and quietly do your thing, we totally respect that. We’re behind every single one of our A40Fitness members. We appreciate your custom, we’re here for you and we celebrate your success. We believe you all deserve a pat on the back for your amazing hard work. And we’d like to wish you a happy and healthy festive season – and all the best for the year ahead.
24 Oct, 2023
Hello, fitness enthusiasts! If you've ever wondered how to turbocharge your fitness journey and make those gym sessions count, you're in the right place. In today's blog, we're diving into the super-healthy world of personal trainers and why having one by your side can be the best thing you do for your health and wellness. So, grab your workout gear and let's get started! In the A40Fitness team , George, Anna and Harry are three of our personal trainers, ready and waiting to make your fitness journey more enjoyable and successful. The perfect companion to your training regime Through 1-2-1 sessions, they’ll be your secret weapon to break through plateaus and make your fitness routine exciting again. A study by the UK Active Research Institute revealed that 82% of gym-goers who had a personal trainer attended the gym regularly. So if you’re stuck in a workout rut or struggling to see the results you desire, get in touch. George, Anna or Harry will customise your workouts, keeping them fresh and challenging. No more mindlessly wandering from one machine to another – they'll craft a tailored plan just for you. A roadmap to achieving your fitness goals Setting goals is easy, but reaching them can be a challenge. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, build muscle, or improve your overall fitness, a personal trainer is your GPS to success. They provide you with expert guidance, track your progress, and adjust your plan when needed. With their support, you'll conquer your goals with confidence. In a survey by PureGym, it was found that individuals working with a personal trainer were 25-30% more likely to achieve their fitness goals compared to those who didn't use a trainer. Boosting your mental health Exercise is not just about the body – it's also a fantastic way to improve mental health. A personal trainer can be your motivator and stress reliever, all in one. Research conducted by YouGov found that 58% of respondents in the UK reported improved mental well-being and reduced stress levels after working with a personal trainer. Our personal trainers will encourage you when you're feeling low and celebrate your achievements with you. This emotional support is invaluable in helping you stay on track and maintain a positive mindset. As Harry says, it’s all about, “Helping people move, look and most importantly feel better. So if you want to better your mental state, I am your man.” Enhancing physical health and safety Safety always comes first, and our personal trainers are certified professionals who prioritise your well-being. George, Anna and Harry will ensure that you're using proper form and techniques to minimise the risk of injuries. Plus, they can design workouts tailored to your specific needs, accommodating any existing health concerns you might have. According to a report by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA), personal trainers play a crucial role in educating individuals about proper technique and reducing the risk of injuries during exercise. It’s all about you The beauty of having an A40Fitness personal trainer is the personalisation they offer. They understand that your needs and preferences are unique. So, whether you're into yoga, strength training, or a mix of both, they'll craft a plan that suits your style. No more one-size-fits-all solutions! Your personal trainer – your fitness ally! If you're still on the fence about getting a personal trainer, consider this your push in the right direction. They're your fitness mentor, your cheerleader, and your confidant all rolled into one. With their guidance, you'll reach your goals faster, stay motivated, and ensure that your fitness journey is both enjoyable and safe. So, don't hesitate to enlist their help and watch your fitness dreams become a reality. Your body and mind will thank you for it! As Anna says, “A healthy lifestyle is much more than just lifting weights. It’s about stretching, warming up, eating healthy, getting necessary rest and enough sleep. I make it my goal to help you achieve a happy and well-balanced lifestyle.” Don't wait– take the plunge and get ready to unlock your full potential with an A40Fitness personal trainer by your side. Your fitness journey is about to get a whole lot more exciting! Your A40Fitness Personal Trainer will have a core fee but will tailor their offer to the individual, taking into consideration volume of sessions booked. We recommend regular sessions of course, but each person is different with a varied base fitness and end goals. So, our Personal Trainers are flexible and ready to support you on your journey to an improved wellbeing.
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